

[コンプリート!] defuser 意味 128544

"DIFFUSER" is the eyewear accessories that launched in the fall 12 a fashion Brand for Men Masaki Hirose, has worked for domestic sales of world eyewear brand, formed a team of colleagues who were playing an active role at various major department store outlets andA Diffuse is like when something dissolved or gets harder to see as it goes further from its origin Like when you puff a smoke ring from your mouth, as it gets farther from your mouth, it diffuses until you can't see it anymore Spread has more of a "get wider" connotation, and if something spreads it covers more area and does not disappear like a thing that diffuses doesディフューザー(diffuser) 《拡散するものの意》 1 カメラのフラッシュの前面に取り付け、光を拡散させる器具。 2 レーシングカーなどの後部底面に取り付け、車体の下の気流を効率よく拡散し、ダウンフォースを発生させる部品。 3 空調で、天井部分などに設置される空気の吹き出し口。 21年版 アロマディフューザーの人気おすすめ10選 正しい使い方 加湿効果について Limia リミア Defuser 意味