
検索キーワード「4-2-3-1 formation」に一致する投稿を表示しています

画像 3-4-1-2 formation fifa 21 137850

There are 30 FIFA 21 Formations and we explain them all here Click or tap on a formation below to see its details, including when it was introduced in Ultimate Team, how it works, the most similar formations, the main advantages/disadvantages, the key player, how to play against that formation, the suggested work rates and attributes or the 4321 This formation is similar to the 433, but brings the wingers into the LF and RF positions It works a lot better in FIFA , thanks to FIFA 21 Formation 433 formation is one of the best meta formations in FIFA 21 Each tactic has strong points and weak points, FIFA 21 4333 is more of a defensive formation This defensiveminded 433 formation offers two holding defensive midfielders and one center midfielder in the midfield Fifa Best Formation 7 Line Ups You Need To Try Out 3-4-1-2 formation fifa 21

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